Aqua reports 2016:6 - SLU

Yläheimot ja heimot. Dreissenoidea. Valesinisimpukat (Dreissenidae) Myoidea. Corbulidae Mya arenaria Linnaeus, 1758 [1] De strandgaper Mya arenaria zou in de 16 e of 17 eeuw uit Amerika geïntroduceerd zijn via scheepvaart. Er zijn echter aanwijzingen dat de Vikingen deze soort – intentioneel als voedsel of toevallig in het water in het ruim – al in de 13e eeuw naar Europa brachten. Door zijn opportunistisch karakter kan de soort Synonyms for Mya arenaria and other words similar to Mya arenaria in our thesaurus. Learn more word definitions, translation, pronunciation, rhymes and more at SHABDKOSH.

Mya arenaria worms

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• Mya arenaria, Rangia cuneata—crabs consumed higher proportion of both soft clams and Atlantic rangia clams in deep sand when placed together (Haddon et al. 1987) • Mya arenaria—in 1988 experiment, proportional mortality was higher at higher densities in York River sand (Seitz et al. 2001) Mya arenaria is a slow burrower compared to other bivalves. It uses a different mechanism, namely ejecting water through the small pedal gap in the anterior end of the otherwise fused mantle edges (Checa & Cadée, 1997). Mya arenaria is a large long-lived bivalve.

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78574). Scientific name: Mya arenaria.

Mya arenaria worms

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Related Publications: No related publications recorded. Synonymns and other Related Names: synonym of of Mya arenaria Linnaeus, 1758 (According to: WoRMS) Mya arenaria is a slow burrower compared to other bivalves.

by the nemertean worm Cerebratulus lacteus: Chesapeake Sci- ence, v. 17, p. 28 Nov 2018 0801 Mya arenaria, soft shell clam. 0882 Mulinia lateralis, dwarf 0697 Glycera spp., blood worms 1107 Goniada maculata, chevron worm. protistan parasites, Perkinsus chesapeaki and Perkinsus andrewsi, described separately as parasites of Mya arenaria and Macoma balthica clams sympatric  oxygen species in the intertidal mud clam Mya arenaria. D. Abele1,*, K. Heise1, intertidal worm Sipunculus nudus: Mitochondrial background and energetic. tification Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish.
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As early as 1245, some 250 years before Columbus voyage to the New World, the soft-shelled clam Mya arenaria was transported from its native northwest Atlantic shores to northern Jutland in Denmark (Petersen et al., 1992), making this Sea Shells. Mya. Mya arenaria An aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) homologue from the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria: evidence that invertebrate AHR homologues lack 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and beta-naphthoflavone binding REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS OF THE INVASIVE CLAM MYA ARENARIA • 303 SCI. MAR., 75(2), June 2011, 301-308.

However, the taxonomic history of this species includes many synonyms, overlapping descriptions, and/or subspecies (e.g.
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Mya arenaria is a large long-lived bivalve. The shell is dirty white or fawn in colour with a fawn or light yellow periostracum. Large specimens may reach 12 -15 cm in length. Mya arenaria även kort och gott kallad Sandmussla, även om den benämningen även kan syfta på andra närbesläktade musslor.