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Svea Payments is an internationally operating, authorized payment institution supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA), specialized in providing intelligent online payment services. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Svea ekonomi med Payments VA. Enkel hantering av Svea inbetalningfiler. Svea, BG-Max, Dibs, Nets, PayPal, SEB, Swedbank, mf Avprickning mot rätt order & faktura At our e-commerce payment solutions department, we have both smaller and larger customers in all different industries.

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Svea Payments Service where Svea Payments can on its’ own service sites, offer the Buyer a possibility to change the payment method for an already paid purchase within the waiting time. Svea Payments Service means the service and operating principle applied by Svea Payments from time to time, through which Svea Payments by assignment of Verkkokauppias toimii Svea Payments -palvelun käytön yhteydessä saatujen hen-kilötietojen Tietosuoja-asetuksen (kuten alla määritelty) mukaisena rekisterinpitä-jänä.

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Svea Payments returns the payment to the Financial Institution. If the Buyer does not deliver Svea Payments the above-mentioned message during the waiting period and unless otherwise provided in points 9 or 10, Svea Payments conveys to the Vendor the Buyer’s designated payment to the Vendor after the wait-ing period has expired. 9. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Svea Payments. Address Mechelininkatu 1 A, 00180 Helsinki, Finlande . Phone +358 (0)9 321 3300 .