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4. Ilo Duro, John Eastwood, “Oxford Practice Grammar” Oxford University Press 1997 2. Regina Ofrojme kurse Anglishte nga klasa e 3-te deri ne klasen e 9-te. Rruga e Durresit/Zogu i zi | Tirane (0.69 Km nga qendra).

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Oxford kurse anglisht prishtine

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Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives. Oxford School of English wish you a safe and rewarding time during your stay in Oxford. You will be supervised most of the time you are here, but there will be times when you will not be supervised. We want you to feel safe at all times so please follow these guidelines and take our advice: Oxford School of English wish you a safe and rewarding time during your stay in Oxford. You will be supervised most of the time you are here, but there will be times when you will not be supervised.

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English made easy with us ! Welcome at Sira Academy The plural of nouns.

Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives. Oxford School of English wish you a safe and rewarding time during your stay in Oxford. You will be supervised most of the time you are here, but there will be times when you will not be supervised.
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Për shumicën e kurseve regjistrimi është i hapur gjithë vitin dhe kurset fillojnë thuajse çdo javë. Kurset grupore zakonisht përbëhen nga 10 deri 15 studentë. Po kështu, ne ofrojmë kurse në grupe të vogla (grupe VIP), si edhe kurse individuale.

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TESOL Paris, Nëntor 2013. Stafi ne Hiking,Brezovicë, Qershor 2015. Me rastin e seminarit, Mars 2016. Londer vizitë Amabasades Kosovës, Mars 2009.