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They support 60 million consumers worldwide in over 70,000 online stores and are very safe to use I have been asked to go to Klarna's site. Klarna is a major payments company from Sweden. Founded in 2005, it’s now one of Europe’s biggest fintech companies. It’s a payment solution that offers a variety of payment methods, but the most used method is one that allows customers to pay for online purchases after receiving them. Klarna's Pay in 3 instalments and Pay in 30 days products are not regulated by the FCA. Klarna Bank AB (publ) registered and head office: Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden. A Swedish public limited company (publikt bankaktiebolag) registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office with organisation number: 556737-0431. The success of Swedish payment firm Klarna's interest-free loans made it Europe's biggest privately owned financial technology company.

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Klarna is Europe’s titan of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL). The Swedish company is now valued at $11bn and is Europe’s second most highly-valued startup, allowing shoppers to defer payments on goods at no cost. But Klarna’s stronghold in Europe is slowly coming under attack from a wave of new BNPL startups.

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Founded in 2005, it’s now one of Europe’s biggest fintech companies. It’s a payment solution that offers a variety of payment methods, but the most used method is one that allows customers to pay for online purchases after receiving them. Klarna may run so-called unrecorded enquiries (or soft credit searches) that do not affect credit scoring and are only visible to you and Klarna, but not visible to other lenders.

Klarna may run so-called unrecorded enquiries (or soft credit searches) that do not affect credit scoring and are only visible to you and Klarna, but not visible to other lenders. Neither Klarna nor Stance Europe run credit searches against you that could impact your credit rating. Who is Klarna? Klarna is a Swedish payment service provider that takes end-to-end responsibility for your payment.
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